With 250 million users and 180 million active buyers on eBay, one might think that selling here is easy.

It’s not.

The sheer volumes of buyers, sellers, and listings on the platform make selling here the equivalent of humbly whispering to a crowd in the middle of Time Square.

And yet, some businesses have mastered eBay to a point where they are making millions of dollars. What’s the secret sauce of their success?

Tips for eBay Sellers

Keep your prices ahead of the curve

Daniella Flores, creator, and author of iliketodabble.com shared a peculiar tip for selling on eBay. Whenever she finds herself in the corner and can’t sell an item fast, she goes straight to the search bar to look for similar items. Then she tweaks the price on her listing and beats the living hell out of the competition.

Keeping your eye on similar listings is actually one of the key elements …

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